Show Your Work

I thought I’d post this book recommendation after a series of interesting conversations at work about how our specific team shares their work online. Through blogs, websites, and social media we’ve built an engaged community of like-minded educators, creators, and researchers over the years, but how did we do it?

Well, there really wasn’t any particular master plan or social strategy, it was mainly just enthusiasm, a love for sharing our work, and having a good time, which makes it fun to post our shenanigans along the way. But, rather than spending a bunch of time trying to write that up, the easiest way is to share a book that’s already been written that pretty much sums it up perfectly.

The book is called Show your work, by Austin Kleon. It’s a fun read, and a nice quick one at that!

2 responses

  1. I’ve used that book with ds106 a couple times. I think I heard it described as the best book about education that’s not about education.

  2. What a perfect companion to ds106! 👍

    I especially like this line:

    “Amateurs might lack formal training, but they’re all lifelong learners, and they make a point of learning in the open, so that others can learn from their failures and successes.”

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